Rabu, 26 Januari 2011


I’ve been living for 21 years old and I would like to say that I love my life. I have strong parents. I have nice friends and family. I have a lovely boyfriend. My study goes well. I’m doing my thesis. I have had a job as an English Instructor. I am healthy. Am I too confident to say that everything is perfect? I will say so. That’s why I got all these things. I am a happy human being. I trust myself. Surely I know that I must be potent to something that I have to do. I don’t even worry of a new task from this life. Instead, I wonder how happier I will be in the future. Worry is human’s enemy. It only makes you weak. It destroys you unless you conquer it. You all have the ability to do this. It is all in your MIND. Trust yourself. You may trust you ‘god’. You can rely on yourself and you can do so on your ‘god’. Do both of them! The result won’t be different. You know. I do too, god and mind. Use your mind and if you lose your sense tell your god of your problem. What I want to tell you is that when you talk to your god, you do talk to your mind. You use ‘god’, ‘father’, ‘son’, ‘holy spirit’ just to subject your mind. Everyone needs somebody to talk to, but you can’t tell everything to somebody. That’s why you need this. You speak to you mind and this happens every time. This happens while you are reading this. This happens when you are praying. This happens when you are thinking, worrying, imagining, watching, and so on. When you are praying, you also are using your brain. You speak to your mind and it produces your feeling. This process results a frequency that spead to the whole universe. If you are pure and not lying to yous self the universe will act back to you. It creates ur reality.

Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

Pancasila Hari Ini

Sudahkah anda mengamalkan Pancasila hari ini? Mari kita mlaidengan sila pertama yaitu, Ketuhanan yang maha Esa. Kebanyakan orang menganggap bahwa esa berarti 'satu'. Satu tuhan buka berarti setiap warga negara Indonesia hanya boleh menganggap satu agama saja yang paling benar. Karena, agama bukanlah Tuhan dan Tuhan bukanlah agama. Setiap warga memang berhak memeluk satu agama yang paling ia yakini tetapi, janganlah menjadi fanatik dengan menganggap agamanya lah yang paling benar. Ingat bahwa Pancasila pun mengakui adanya satu Tuhan unuk semua umat manusia. Jadi, keselamatan tidak hanya ada dalam agama tetentu. Saya yakin bahwa setiap menawarkan jalan menuju keselamatan dan keselamatan itu hanya berasal dari Tuhan yang satu yang esa.

Jika kita melihat kembali pada sejarah pembentukan Pancasila. Tidak hanya untuk kepentingan kedaulatan bangsa Pancasila dibuat oleh para pemimim bangsa, tetapi untuk merangkulseluruh rakyatnya agar menjadi kesatuan yang tidak mudah di pecah belah oleh pihak manapun yang membawa isu2 perbedaan. Ingat lah bahwa pancasila adalah payung dari kenakaragaman masyarakat Indonesia dalam bidang apapun seperti sosial, budaya, agama, pendidikan, dan seterusnya. Kia tidaklah berbeda. Satu Pancasilanya, satu Idonesianya.

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Education 645: Methods of Discourse Analysis
Fall 2007, Wednesdays 2:00-4:00
Stanton Wortham
GSE 429, 898-6307

Discourse analysis is a broad and complex interdisciplinary field. It includes somewhat diverse theoretical and methodological approaches from linguistics, anthropology, and sociology. All approaches to discourse share a commitment to studying language in context. But “context” is notoriously indeterminate, and different approaches to discourse analysis emphasize different aspects of context as potentially relevant to understanding language use.
This course focuses on several important methodological approaches that have been developed to do discourse analysis. Methods are motivated by and intertwined with theories, so the course inevitably addresses some theoretical issues. But the course intends primarily to provide students with methodological tools for studying naturally-occurring speech.
Because of its methodological goals, the course involves both reading and data analysis exercises. The course introduces a few approaches to understanding the relations between linguistic categories and social life, spending more time on conceptual issues earlier in the semester. Then it alternates between further reading and opportunities to analyze data. Some classes are set aside as data analysis sessions, in which data provided by the instructor or the students is analyzed in detail.
Students are expected to: (1) do the reading and come to class; (2) prepare the sample analyses for data analysis sessions—both preparing analyses for each session and taking responsibility for one session, including handing in a sample analysis for evaluation; (3) complete a larger piece of discourse analysis by the end of the term. This final paper should be primarily empirical, using techniques from one or more of the approaches to analyze a transcript of naturally occurring conversation or a piece of written discourse found in the social world. The paper should also include a brief discussion of why you chose the approach(es) you did—citing the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches for particular purposes. Deadlines for the project are: by October 3, a one page description of the data you plan to use; by November 7, a brief two page excerpt from the data analysis you are working on; by December 12, the final project. Grades will be determined using the following rule-of-thumb: 70% final paper; 30% completion of weekly analyses and class discussion.
When preparing your discourse analyses, you might try the coding program (“Coder”) available at www.wagsoft.com. Or you can use a qualitative data analysis program like NVivo (www.qsrinternational.com). You will have to tailor any software to your specific form of discourse analysis and use judgment in analyzing the data—there is no automated way to do complex discourse analyses of the sort we will discuss.


Blommaert, J. (2005). Discourse. NY: Cambridge.
Fairclough, N. (2003). Analysing discourse. NY: Routledge.
Gee, J. (1999). An introduction to discourse analysis. NY: Routledge.
Schegloff, E. (2007). Sequence organization in interaction. NY: Cambridge.

The New Steps

My Question:
1. What kind of meaning does affect the reader?
2. Is it enough to conclude that this novel has adverbs ending with -ly as its style and the effects are...?
3. Can I say, that to see the quality of this novel's style. it must fulfill the three functions of ,meaning? Experiential meaning, interpersonal meaning, and textual meaning?
4. If I don't use th functional English to know the significance, I wonder where the conclusion will end because I don't have theories to prove it (effects that the writer intends by the linguistics choices she's made to deliver a message which encoded in the text)
5. I've read The Rhetoric of Text (ch.7), Discourse and Discourse Situation (ch.8), and Conversation in the Novel (ch.9) in Style in Fiction (Leech, 1981). Can they be used in this case as an alternative theories?
6. Any suggestion of what grammar approach that suitable to make this simpler (than point no.4) and researchable and of course readable?

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

Hari Kedua

Hari kedua saya mengajar di sebuah lembaga pendidikan bahasa saya merasa lebih bersemangat ketimbang pertama kali saya mengikuti test micro teaching. Saya mulai mencintai pekerjaan saya dan menanti-nanti tantangan yang lebih besar karena saat ini masih mendapat kelas yang tergolong mudah. Mungkin untuk pemanasan.

Awalnya saya sama sekali tidak tertarik untuk berprofesi sebagai tenaga pendidikan apalagi seorang guru. Mungkin saya terlalu banyak menolak cita-cita orang tua saya yang menginginkan saya unutk menjadi seorang dosen. HIngga pada suatu hari, saya mendapat info dari teman saya bahwa ada lowongan pekerjaan sebagi English Instructor di Wisma Bahasa English Division Yogyakarta. Saat ini saya sudah skripsi, jadi tidak ada alasan unutk menolak pekerjaan sambilan sambil nmencari pengalaman. Dan ahri ini saya sangat menikmatinya.
Impian saya tetap ingin menjadi tim kreatif sebuah perusahaan TV swasta nasional. Tetapi, bila ini memang yang digariskan untuk saya, kenapa tidak??? hehehe... Semangat.. dan cintai pekerjaanmu!!!